Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Absense/Presence Project

Absence/Presence Project Part 1

For the first part of this project i used images that dealt with music.

In this image i used cut out the image of my guitar in order to represent the idea of that it doesn't matter what color or type of guitar it was, you just know what kind of sound it will make by looking at the amplifier. In this case, the Marshall JCM 2000 produces a very recognizable dirty sound.

In this second image i used an image of my band performing a live show with again a similar idea like the first... The musicians are cut out of the picture to illustrate an image that it doesn't matter who are the musicians, what their wearing or how they look like as long as their playing music.

The last image of this series again is just like the last one but the other band members are cut out from the image that were not in the previous one.

Absence/Presence Project Part II

In the second part of the project i used images that had to do with light sources.

This image is from my house and i used the patch tool to get rid of all types of electrical light sources around the rooms for example - there was a chandelier above the dinning table and there were light switches as well.

The original version of this images had a large lamp sitting on the table plugged into the wall. This was a rather difficult task because large portions of the table and cloth had to be recreated.

This image is a bit different from the other two, you can see where the light is coming from but there is nothing there. There were two candle light bulbs inside that were removed and the light looks like its coming from nowhere.

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