Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Connotation Project part 1

Here are some images i found in magazines that I believe have different connotative meanings behind them.

In this cigarette ad it shows people having fun smoking but in reality it isn't fun, people usually smoke by themselves which isn't fun at all. I also noticed that they're a couple at a party and looks like they might be kissing at some point during the night and kissing with cigarette smoke in your breath is really nasty and in real life no one wants to kiss a smoker, it's just plain gross.

In this picture there is a couple where the guy is offering the girl Skyy Vodka giving the impression that if you buy a girl a drink you'll get lucky at the end of the night. In reality it's nothing like that for example, you'll probably get drunk and pass out somewhere or you might get lucky but then you'll forget what happened the night before and you probably knocked up some random girl at a bar and you'll pay the consequences 9 months later.

In this McDonald's ad they show you that the kids meal is healthy for your kids and that you don't have to worry about it because they show the nutrition facts on most of their stuff. In reality, where does that meat come from, and what party of the chicken do those chicken nuggets come from? and how fresh are those apple slices? In my opinion that stuff is mystery meat that I have no idea where they get it from, its gross. Like most food advertisements what you see is definitely NOT what you get in real life.

In this vacation travel ad they show you how much fun you can have on a cruise but in reality you probably wouldn't be having as much fun as this couple in the picture. The real cruise will probably have a whole bunch of people trying to do the same thing and it will be crowded unlike the ad here which shows just the two people dancing. Also, theres alway the risk of the ship sinking so its sometimes scary going on a cruise vacation. You'll never know if your trip might end in a disaster.

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