Monday, October 29, 2007

Dislocation/Location, Disembodiment/Embodiment, Disconnection/Connection Video Project


In this video the person is being constantly disconnected on an important phone call.
The story of this video is that the person walks into his parent's room and find them missing so he gets this phone call from a stranger using a deep voice telling him to bring 100,000 dollars to a meeting point that he cannot make out because of the bad connection service in his home.
The look on his face shows the feeling of being confused and worried because the person on the other end of the phone has kidnapped his parents.


In this film the person is having a dream where his face is missing and he is violently washing his face to get his face back but in the end he wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream.


This movie has the main character sitting at the dinner table looking at the food choices he has for breakfast. He notices that everything is completely out of place like lemon and the ice cream and pretty much everything on the table is out of context. So, he randomly decides to eat a banana for breakfast and takes a big bite out of it but in the end it was only a small bite off the top.

Note: The idea behind these films was to make it as creepy and ridiculous as possible, with a disappearing banana and the missing part randomly materializes as if it was never eaten. Also the ridiculous face gestures my friend makes in all the movies. After watching these videos myself, the humor and the ideas behind them left me with a feeling of confusion, disgust and a bad taste in my mouth which is exactly what I want the viewer to feel when they watch it.

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