Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Artists: Martina Lopez and Ken Gonzales-Day

Martina Lopez - Questioning Nature's Way 2, 1998

This artwork that Martina Lopez made with mixing an old family photo with digital media gives the original photograph a new look and meaning. I noticed that most of her artwork relates to the human experience and her family. The photograph mixes nicely with the digitally made landscape and it gives it a feeling of being in touch with nature.

Ken Gonzales-Day - Bone-Grass Boy Series, Untitled #45, 1997

Ken Gonzales-Day did a great job of putting himself in this picture, makes you thing that he was actually there. His use of digital media to put himself in a historical background gives it a new meaning telling a different story. Its like he is trying to tell a story that never happened or what would it be like if he was there during the U.S.-Mexican war.

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